Alumni and Friends
Are you an alumnus or friend of Lutheran Campus Ministry? Join us on
Join Our Mailing List
Stay up to date with the latest news and events for alumni and friends by joining our email list here!
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Discipleship and Discernment Dinners
We are looking for folks to share a meal and their story! These dinners, paid for by the campus ministry, are an opportunity for a student and you to get to know each other and have a conversation about how God is calling you and how faith plays a role in what you do/did professionally.
If this sounds interesting to you, please sign up here!
Are you willing to be a mentor to a current student?
Email: lutheran@umd.edu
As an alum or friend, you can donate to the ministry by making a one-time gift or a monthly gift to commit to supporting programs that are important to you.
Press the link below to donate.